- February 15-16 | Sweetheart DT & CT Gateway Downs, Temecula, CA. Marc DiLeo, 760-403-3201, friesianfire@gmail.com
- March 1-2 | Landmark Farms DT Landmark Farms, Windsor, SC. Kristin Whittington, 317-407-6021, landmarkfarms@lightbound.com
- March 9 | Aiken Driving Club Winter Derby #3 Vista Equestrian Center, Aiken, SC. Tracey Turner, 603-533-8585, ttt@farsidefarm.com
- April 3-6 | Southern Pines CDE & CT Carolina Horse Park, Raeford, NC. Daphne White, 970-946-0724, daphnewhite59@gmail.com
- April 12-13 | Aiken Carriage Classic Pleasure Show Highfields, Aiken, SC. Katy Rhinehart, 641-485-7821
- April 12-13 | Concours d'Attelage ADS Educational Event Tickety Boo Farm, Melrose, FL. 386-847-4642, ticketyboofarm@yahoo.com
- May 2-3 | Kismet Farms Driving Event and DT Ram Tap Horse Park, Fresno, CA. Madeleine Augustsson, 209-452-6488, madeleine.augustsson@hotmail.com
- May 2-4 | Windrush Derby Championship Windrush Farm, Metamora, MI. Darlene Daly, 810-678-2500, ddaly0037@gmail.com
- May 3-4 | Colorado Driving Society Longlining with Joe Johnson Kiowa, CO. Sandy Clayton, 303-718-7300
- May 10-11 | Carolina Carriage Club CD & CT at Windridge Windridge Farms, Price Story, 828-595-3950, p_story@bellsouth.net
- May 10-11 | GMHA Spring CT & AT Green Mountain Horse Association, So Woodstock, VT. Eric Wilking, 603-235-8459, eewlsw@gmail.com
- May 16-18 | Charlotte's Creek CDE Short Format. Charlotte's Creek Farm, Georgetown, KY. Jennifer Harber, 304-208-5224, dunhorse1220@gmail.com www.charlottes-creekfarm.com
- May 17-18 | Summer Festival CDE & CT Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton, CA. 916-952-2196, claystationhorsepark@frontiernet.net
- May 17-18 | Cowboy Country DT & CT Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Barbara Sikkink, 918-740-9259, quantumakitas@gmail.com
- May 17-18 | Gladstone Equestrian DT & CT Hamilton Farm Golf and Equestrian Center, Gladstone, NJ. Gayle Stinson, 908-752-2653, joshilohjo@yahoo.com
- June 6-8 | Elk Creek Driving Event Fair Hill Department of Natural Resources, Elkton, MD. Suzy Stafford, 302-540-5162, ponydriverss@aol.com; Amy Cross, 914-489-7145, aaacross@gmail.com ; Diane Trefry, 443-553-1453, fhi.diane@gmail.com
- June 7-8 | Pioneer Pleasure Show and Combined Test Quail Run Horse Center, Omaha, NE. Garnet Blatchford, 402-681-6779, garnetblat@gmail.com
- June 7-8 | MHDVA Blue Ribbon Show Ionia Fairgrounds, Ionia, MI. Dorothy Childs, 517-736-3729
- June 8 | Elizabeth Stampede Parade Elizabeth, CO. Sandy Clayton, 303-718-7300
- June 15-16 | Sporting Day of Traditional Driving Thistle Hill Farm, Franktown, CO. Erik and Mary Jensen, 303-841-5238, erikjensen2027@gmail.com
- June 29 | SNECDA AT & CT Brooklyn Fairgrounds, Brooklyn, CT. Rheanna Lanole, 781-856-4218, rheannalanoie@gmail.com
- July 5-6 | Horse Progress Days Gordonville, PA. Stephen Esh, 717-799-8227, logcab7@ptd.net https://horseprogressdays.com
- July 11-13 | Wade House Carriage Days Wade House Historical Site, Greenbush, WI. Bridgitt Zielke, 920-547-7137, bridgitt.zielke@wisconsinhistory.org
- July 18-20 | Lorenzo Driving Competition Lorenzo Historic Site, Cazenovia, NY. Hannah Polson, polshanb@gmail.com
- July 19-20 | The CDE at Inavale Inavale Farm, Philomath, OR. Debbi Packard, claystationhorsepark@frontiernet.net
- July 25-27 | The Great Lakes Carriage Classic Ancaster Fairgrounds, Jerseyville, ON. Jean McLean, 905-807-8313, jean@glcc.ca
- August 7-10 | Orleton Farm Driving Competition Pleasure Show Orleton Farm, Stockbridge, MA. Ann Willey, 518-392-6583, ann@drwilley.net
- August 14-17 | Metamora CDE and ADS North American Intermediate Championship Windrush Farm, Metamora, MI. Darlene Daly, 810-441-0888, ddaly0037@gmail.com
- August 16-18 | NW Michigan Draft Horse Assoc. School of Driving Benzonia, MI. Dan Hubbell, 231-947-5600, dan@hubbelllawoffice.com http://www.drivingdrafts.com
- August 21-24 | GMHA Summer CDE & CT Green Mountain Horse Association, So Woodstock, VT. Eric Wilking, 603-235-8459, eewlsw@gmail.com
- August 22-24 | Colorado CDE Colorado Horse Park, Parker, CO. 352-275-3316, sswear19@gmail.com
- September 5-7 | Villa Louis Carriage Classic Villa Louis Historic Site, Prairie du Chien, WI. Michael Rider, 608-326-4436, info@carriageclassic.com
- September 6-7 | Genesse Valley Riding and Driving Club CT & DT Hideaway and Fox Run Farms, Patricia Anselm, 585-519-5530, tricia.dognpony@gmail.com
- September 8-14 | Doc Hammill's Driving, Working, and Training Horses in Harness St Ignatius, MT. Doc Hammill, 406-250-8252, workshops@dochammill.com https://dochammill.com
- September 13-14 | Windridge DT & CT Windridge Farms, Mooresboro, NC. Price Story, 828-595-3950, P_story@bellsouth.net
- September 19-21 | GMHA Fall CT & AT Green Mountain Horse Association, So Woodstock, VT. Eric Wilking, 603-235-8459, eewlsw@gmail.com
- September 20 | 10th Annual Blue Jeans Driving Games Salisbury Park, Parker, CO. Susie Haszelbart, 303-882-2462
- September 26-28 | Indiana CDE Hoosier Horse Park, Edinburgh, IN. Terri Birk, 217-369-0507, oldestgreymare@aol.com
- September 28 | SNECDA Pleasure Driving Show Brooklyn Fairgrounds, Brooklyn, CT. Kelly Pesek, 781-856-4218, snecda@gmail.com
- October 6-12 | Doc Hammill's Driving, Working, and Training Horses in Harness St. Ignatius, MT. Doc Hammill, 406-250-8252, workshops@dochammill.com https://dochammill.com
- October 7-11 | Mid Ohio Draft Horse Auction and Carriage Sale Mt Hope, OH. Thurman Mullett, 330-674-6188, thurman@mthopeauction.com
- October 11-12 | Timberland DT & CT Carolina Horse Park, Raeford, NC. Daphne White, 970-946-0724, daphnewhite59@gmail.com
- October 18-20 | Nashoba Carriage Classic Germantown Civic Club Complex, Germantown, TN. Stepanie James, 901-857-6913, stjames@pobox.com
- October 18 | Colorado Driving Society Halloween Drive Salisbury Park, Parker, CO. Nissa Maldonado, 720-479-6842
- October 24-25 | Halloween at the Haven DT Valkyrie's Haven, Paris, KY. Leslye Sandberg, 847-602-7500, leslyesandberg@gmail.com
- October 30-November 2 | Windsor Trace CDE Greenfields, Windsor, SC. Lisa Singer, 610-960-8695, chateaulog@gmail.com
- Decembe 6 | Colorado Driving Society Christmas Parade Parker, CO. Terri Miller, 303-838-6768
- January 14 | Iron Horse Farm Earn Your Medal #5 Iron Horse Farm, Fort White, FL. Lynda Jowers, 352-562-6976, jowersl@aol.com
- July 26-27 | Driving at the Ridge DT Hunters Run Equestrian, Louisburg, KS. Kristin Whittington, 913-449-9973, jennygarner8@yahoo.com