americanhorsepublications logoWe are pleased to announce that Driving Digest was awarded Best Overall Publication at the American Horse Publications Award banquet on Saturday June 20th, 2015.  Driving Digest was selected as the winner over several national driving magazine and we couldn't be prouder.

Here is what the judges had to say!

"Driving Digest blends clean, balanced design with editorial content that is as compelling and informative as it is simply, well, a hoot to read. There’s something to be said for the consistency of quality in the writing and editing across multiple editions. The authors and their editors deserve generous praise for their skill in weaving humor, quantitative information, history, wit, and so much more into every piece in the samples provided. While all entries in this class received high marks for their work in meeting the Statement of Purpose, the staff of Driving Digest seems to intuitively recognize that by providing the highest quality editorial content, the magazine is doing precisely that. While the design and layout are solid, it really was the writing and editing that put this entry over the top to earn this well-deserved award."

award 2015

Contact Details

Driving Digest Magazine
PO Box 120
Southern Pines, NC 28387

(910) 691-7735


Driving Digest is a member of American Horse Publications, a professional association serving the equine publishing industry.

Information on this site is provided by outside sources and is assumed to be correct. Driving Digest is not responsible for inaccuate information provided by outside sources.