
Our Calendar

Clubs and organizations are invited to list drives, clinics, competitions, and other activities in this calendar. Please email information (name of event, date, contact info) to Some calendar items are obtained from listings made available by associations, publications, and websites such as ADS, CAA, USEF, and others. Driving Digest makes every attempt to double-check the accuracy of these listings but is no responsible for cancellations or corrections. Drivers are advised to call ahead before traveling long distances to ensure the event is still scheduled.

December 31 | 5th Annual New Year's Eve Drive

Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 8:00 am
Duration: 8 Hours
Tickety Boo Farm, Melrose, FL. Paul Van Sickle, 386-847-4642

Contact Details

Driving Digest Magazine
43W991 Oakleaf Drive
Elburn, IL 60119



Driving Digest is a member of American Horse Publications, a professional association serving the equine publishing industry.

Information on this site is provided by outside sources and is assumed to be correct. Driving Digest is not responsible for inaccuate information provided by outside sources.